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How to Reduce Food Waste With Indoor Gardening


It's a well know fact that 40-50% of the fruits and vegetables we buy end up in the trash. A little less known fact is that food waste ends up creating tons of greenhouse gas emissions as well. You might be thinking "I need to stop wasting food immediately",  but what steps can you actually take to make that happen?


  • Going to the grocery store more often and buying less each time - and we all know how pleasant it is to stand through the lines and spend time deciding what to get, right?
  • Planning your meals and your shopping as precisely as possible. What are you going to eat tomorrow? Potatoes with salad? Okay, what can you use from what you already have at home? How many potatoes, lettuce heads, sauces, vegetables do you need to buy, so you don't waste any of it?
  • Regularly researching recipes and getting creative with leftovers. Made too much chicken last night? Okay, how can you make it into breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next day? And the cycle starts again.

    Although these steps seem relatively easy to take, America alone still wastes enough food to fill up 91 Empire Estate Buildings yearly.

    There is of course one step, that would lessen fresh food waste immediately and that is - growing your own food! Today's technology offers everyone - even those without a green thumb - the opportunity to grow all the lettuce heads and tomatoes they need every day, with no effort or time investment.

    There is a bigger abundance of indoor gardens and farms out there than ever before, so it shouldn't be a problem to find a system that works with your interior, with your lifestyle, for your needs.

    Don't get us wrong - you should still plan your meals and your shopping, and not waste the food you've bought, but the intensity of it will reduce significantly the more the amount of food you grow at home increases. 

    Just to put this whole idea down to numbers, this is how our community is reducing food waste with their Click & Grow indoor gardens and farms:

    If the idea of growing more of your fresh food yourself to not only increase the quality of ingredients on your plate, but also reduce food waste among others seems like something you'd be on board with...



    If you're interested in the topic or need some extra inspiration, check this video of a woman who single-handedly helped reduce Denmark's food waste by 25%:


    Any thoughts or questions? Share them in the comments below!

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